The article posted by Prashant Hegde introduces 10 things which new software testers should know to achieve a successful career in software testing. From my perspective it is essential to know these things. As a newbie in testing, I would like to make sure that I have all the necessary knowledge to progress in my career and be  successful.

Fundamentals Of Software Testing

It is quite obvious that without a solid foundation there’s only so much we can do. At some point, sooner or later, the holes in knowledge will start being a problem, which will be difficult to fix. Therefore, it is crucial to address any gaps in the knowledge as soon as possible, as that will significantly contribute to the success of your future career.

Bug Reports

One of the skills essential to have as a tester is an ability to write effective bug reports, which will include all of the necessary technical information required for the developer to fix the bug, and also enough information for stakeholders to assign the appropriate priority to each bug. 

Software Development Methodologies

Agile as a software development technique became one of the most popular approaches for software development. Agile also includes collaborative frameworks, such as Scrum, Kanban, etc. It is important to understand differences between these frameworks and understand which framework is adopted by your organisation. This way you can get the most out of it, and be aware where testing lies in the software development life cycle. 

Programming Language

It is not necessary to know a programming language as a tester, however being fluent in at least one language could be a great benefit, especially if you plan to learn test automation in the future. The most popular programming languages which can be used for testing are Java, Javascript, Python and C#. 

Test Documentation

One of the responsibilities as a tester can include creation and maintenance of testing documentation, therefore for a new tester it is important to understand the difference between, (and in the future learn how to create), test strategy, test plans, test cases, test summary, reports, etc.

Thinking Critically

It is extremely important that a tester can critically think, and put themselves in the position of a user. Testers must experiment, question, think logically, explore, and examine the software from multiple perspectives. Critical thinking should involve healthy scepticism, challenging of assumptions, looking for what others have missed, and many more.

Test Automation

Not every tester will decide to pursue their career and move towards test automation, however knowing at least one automation tool can be beneficial. Test automation will never replace a skilled tester, however it can contribute to improvements of testing coverage and time within the organisation. To stay ahead of the other testers, it is important to at least get yourself familiar with the latest trends in software testing.

Soft Skills

Every new tester should understand that soft skills are as necessary as technical skills. Effective testing involves collaboration and ability to communicate with the team. Tester should have excellent written and verbal communication skills to interact with developers, managers, stakeholders, etc., in a way that they understand the issue.

Domain Knowledge

Testers' knowledge should expand beyond the basics of testing. They could greatly benefit with being subject matter expats in a specific industry or discipline, as testers with domain knowledge are in high demand in the current job market. 

Specialised knowledge can allow to identify defects linked to core functionality of the product, therefore a person with relevant domain knowledge, experience and expertise is extremely valuable.

Engage With Software Testing Communities

This is optional, but equally important. Through engagement in a variety of testing communities, we can learn from others’ experience, share ideas, discover new information and expand our knowledge. This applies to both new and existing testers, as the tech industry evolves extremely rapidly, it is important to be up to date with the newest technologies.

To summarise, all these points are valuable and important to master in order to have a successful career as a Software Tester. I found this information really useful, and I already started planning how to implement them bit by bit.